Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Texting is part of my generation’s culture; as much as we hate to admit it text messaging is important to our lives. Texting has its pro’s and con’s it just depends on how people use it and when they use it. a lot of teachers find it very disrespectful when you type in class and in some states including our own texting while driving is illegal. In addition to this new means of communication, a new problem has arrived; some people abuse the use of text message by messaging hateful words to other people or exploding naked pictures of themselves also known as “sexting”. Yes it may seem like all I’m doing is bashing on text messaging but don’t get me wrong there are a lot of good things to it. We can communicate a lot faster, have longer conversations, message pictures so we can make our friends laugh, and say things without feeling embarrassed. All in all I like the fact that we have text messaging available to us. The only drawback is I don’t believe people should abuse the use of it, and not die or be severely injured because someone failed to follow the law.


  1. Many people have been hurt by text messaging, some people abuse but others use it to their benefit. Like you said, it has its pros and cons.

  2. Yeah it's true, some people are disrespectful and text bad things about other people.

  3. Because of the impersonal nature of texting, people gain confidence to say whatever they want and not be afraid of being physically assaulted.

  4. Sexting.. LOL I remember a teacher saying how it was annoying having people texterbating under the tables.. priceless.. What will the future hold!?!? I personally couldn't do with out it!

  5. If you don't have the guts to tell someone something face to face then I dont think one should text anyone telling them stuff.

  6. Teachers might think it's disrespectful to text in class but most people do it anyway.
