Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reality T.V

                Reality Television has changed a lot over the years, there are those T.V shows that show people acting ridiculously and just seem fake and staged and then there are those reality shows that seem more like documentaries. I try to avoid watching reality T.V shows that have to do with celebrities like “Keeping up with the Kardashians” or “Jersey Shore” shows like these really just irritate me the people in these shows see too just act stupid just for more publicity. I don’t understand how they can have cameras following there every day lives, I would feel like I have no privacy but I guess now a day’s money is far more important than privacy. Even though these shows are really stupid I would understand why people watch this type of T.V its entertaining to them on how these people live their lives, I also like to think people like to watch reality to see what it is like to live like the people in them. Reality T.V seems to harm our society more than help. I feel that reality T.V makes some people feel that it is completely alright to act the way they do in public. In some case it also shows people how not to act in the eye of the public.

Some reality shows like the ones they show on the discovery channel “Kate plus 8” or “the cut” I enjoy watching. It actually shows real life situations on what goes on when you have a high amount of babies or what you really go through when you are trying to get into a high operation branch of the military. There are plenty of shows like this and I do enjoy watching them.  I guess reality television really depends on how you look at everything. I find it entertaining to  watch reality shows that have to do with real life things.


  1. I'm not a big fan of reality shows, but I can agree with you that kate plus 8 is an acceptable reality show. It doesn't put real people in unreal situations, its her real life!

  2. Eventhough I watch jersey shore;I totally agree with you, and thimk they only do it to get publicity and money.

  3. I agree some shows really go over the top!
