Monday, August 23, 2010

past, present, future


    My past is just like every other kid, but I have a weird twist to it. I was put on this earth on May 26, 1990, the exact location was in Fresno California. I have one older brother and one younger sister. I lived in Fresno almost my whole life, until I was 11 years old my mother had send me and my little sister to the Philippines to go to school. Although that was a once and a life time experience, I would never go back to the Philippines to go to school. I came back to the united states when I was about 13 and attended middle school. When I came back to the united states I guess a lot of people saw me as a new canvas, someone that was innocent and unexposed to the lives some young teenagers were living at that time. Even though I hate to admit it, I got mixed up with the wrong crowd. They influenced me into things I should have never gotten into. I graduated middle school and became a high school student. At this time I was doing a lot of things I shouldn’t been doing. Sneaking out, drinking, doing drugs are a few things. Although I spend most of my time being a “bad kid” I still manage to keep my school on track and I did graduate high school with flying colors. I quit all the bad kid stuff when I was 17 because I met an amazing person who change my life and till this day I choose to stay clean.


    Right now my life is pretty crazy. I obviously do not live in Fresno. I am a military girlfriend and I live in a house with my boyfriends mother and siblings. I am currently going to school and trying to get an externship to become a pharmacy technician. My life has changed so much moving from Fresno and living with a totally different family. Balancing school, a relationship, my personal life, and a soon to be externship is starting to become tricky and stressful.


    Like everyone else, I have what everyone calls a classic dream about my future. I plan on going to school and becoming a pharmacist. Finishing pharmacy school is my number one priority in my life, it is the foundation for me to start a successful life. Because I believe that special moments in life are spend never spent alone, I hope that I do find someone to share my successes and my life with hopefully it is my current boyfriend. I plan to live in a decent home, own an LEXUS ISF for daily use and have children, no more than four of course. The last thing I want for my future is to live a happy, long, successful life.


  1. Hi Eliza! Good to read about your life! I like reading your writing!

  2. Insted of that slow ISF trade up to an Audi RS4 lots better

  3. Oh yeah good post but i had a blast in PI.

  4. Hey Elaiza well it was really nice to know a little more about your personal life. Am sure u and your boyfriend will make it work :)
