Monday, August 30, 2010

fast food

Fast Food
When I was young fast food was a way my parents would bribe me into doing things they wanted me to do. They would always tell me if I was behaving and being a good girl they would take me to McDonald's and buy me a happy meal, and I would accept their bribe.

Growing up I did eat a lot of fast food, my mother worked as a nurse and would pick up 18 hour sifts sometimes and my father wasn’t always home so there really wasn’t anybody around to cook for us, my brother would sometimes ride his bike to the nearest fast food joint and pick up food for us.

Till this day, I admit it I still eat fast food, but not as much as before. If I had a choice I wouldn’t eat fast food, its very unhealthy! Having a full load of classes and also hanging out with friends there just isn’t any time to cook home cook meals and if I didn’t buy fast food I wouldn’t have anything to eat. Fast food shouldn’t only be eaten once in a while. I look at our society today and I notice we are a bunch of people that rely a lot on these fast food joints. In addition to relying on fast food, I also see that due to these speedy food services a lot of family’s don’t cook home cooked meals as much anymore. Home cooked meals are a lot healthier, and you know exactly what your eating. When it comes to fast food you have no idea what kind of chemicals are put into your food or what kind of meat is in your burger, it might not even be real meat. I always had this crazy idea that that some places put fake meat into their food. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

past, present, future


    My past is just like every other kid, but I have a weird twist to it. I was put on this earth on May 26, 1990, the exact location was in Fresno California. I have one older brother and one younger sister. I lived in Fresno almost my whole life, until I was 11 years old my mother had send me and my little sister to the Philippines to go to school. Although that was a once and a life time experience, I would never go back to the Philippines to go to school. I came back to the united states when I was about 13 and attended middle school. When I came back to the united states I guess a lot of people saw me as a new canvas, someone that was innocent and unexposed to the lives some young teenagers were living at that time. Even though I hate to admit it, I got mixed up with the wrong crowd. They influenced me into things I should have never gotten into. I graduated middle school and became a high school student. At this time I was doing a lot of things I shouldn’t been doing. Sneaking out, drinking, doing drugs are a few things. Although I spend most of my time being a “bad kid” I still manage to keep my school on track and I did graduate high school with flying colors. I quit all the bad kid stuff when I was 17 because I met an amazing person who change my life and till this day I choose to stay clean.


    Right now my life is pretty crazy. I obviously do not live in Fresno. I am a military girlfriend and I live in a house with my boyfriends mother and siblings. I am currently going to school and trying to get an externship to become a pharmacy technician. My life has changed so much moving from Fresno and living with a totally different family. Balancing school, a relationship, my personal life, and a soon to be externship is starting to become tricky and stressful.


    Like everyone else, I have what everyone calls a classic dream about my future. I plan on going to school and becoming a pharmacist. Finishing pharmacy school is my number one priority in my life, it is the foundation for me to start a successful life. Because I believe that special moments in life are spend never spent alone, I hope that I do find someone to share my successes and my life with hopefully it is my current boyfriend. I plan to live in a decent home, own an LEXUS ISF for daily use and have children, no more than four of course. The last thing I want for my future is to live a happy, long, successful life.